Change log

Please back up your theme when you are done customizing your theme, as errors in your themes are not the responsibility of the developers

v.2.8 – 18/3/2021

  • Bug Fixing for Download Pages Link

v.2.7 – 14/3/2021

  • Adding for Safelink Pages
  • New Editor Post to News Pages
  • Adding new sources for apk extractor from

v.2.6 – 10/3/2021

  • bug fixed download page after insert put manual cant be click

v.2.5 – 10/3/2021

  • bug fixed emoji and menu on mobile views
  • adding box mod for single post

v.2.4 – 8/3/2021

  • Classic Editor Post to New Editor Post

v.2.3 – 4/3/2021

  • Bug Fix Extractor APK sources PlayStore
  • change images ext .png to .webp
  • Remove Virus Warning

v.2.0.2 – 20/2/2021

  • Bug Fix
  • Adding Masking Link
  • Adding new sources for apk extractor